Build and test your app for free
Release your app for just $329
Create an iPhone app and view it on your phone for free. You only pay when you are ready to release your app. Our customers include business owners, personalities, politicians, cities, realtors, teachers, and more. Several apps are in the top25!
- Create your own iPhone app in minutes
- Download Zine City from iTunes and login to preview your app
- Edit your content in real time: users will see changes right away
- Unlimited changes after your app is released, for a full year
- No monthly fees!
Sound Impossible? Build your app. We guarantee you will like it*
* We offer a 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.
"I have created two iPhone apps using uBuildApp and I couldn't be happier. I am not a computer savvy person, but I was able to create the apps in only 30 minutes. Also, the support I receive when I have any questions is quick and my questions are answered thoroughly. If I have any more ideas for an app I will definitely use uBuildApp again and would recommend it to anybody." - Michael Cappello, Bed and Breakfast Mapper, Appraisers